Question from a reader: Kit on the car

A reader recently asked: "What do you carry on your car as an emergency kit or readiness bag."

While in the past I carried a get home bag, I've focused more on emergency medical and survival for the car at this time. The idea is again simple and light equals freedom, agility and mobility (Rule 7), so I kept everything simple, light and packed in a GORUCK Bullet 10 so I can just grab it and go when needed. Also, the Bullet 10 opens up flat, allowing me to access everything very fast.

So, what's inside?

In the front pocket I carry an entry kit (SEREPick Bogota lock picks, pry bars, shims, quick decoders, etc), a lighter and a compass. The pouch I used for the entry kit is a Law Industries Mini SERE Pouch.

Inside, on the top pocket, I carry an ITS Tactical Micro SERE kit (more here), and a Leatherman multitool.

Inside the main compartment you have:

  • Medical: The ITS Tactical ETA Trauma Kit, reviewed here
  • Medical: CAT Tourniquet
  • Medical: Trauma PAK with gauzes of several sizes and functions
  • Survival: emergency Blanket
  • Survival: chemlights
  • Survival: Pelican case with a power charger
  • Survival: SOG knife
  • Survival: GORUCK Pouch with different items

The ITS Tactical ETA Kit is my go to trauma (IFAK) kit. Both the contents and the pouch are the best in the market. The other pack has a lot of different size gauzes that can be used for many applications.

Inside the GORUCK pouch, I have several survival-related items like a fire starter, pen and notepad, water purification tablets, a little monocular, light and some paracord.

A small GOAL ZERO charger for the phone and other electronics inside a water tight Pelican case. I can use the case also to keeop the phone and other items dry.

And finally some other survival items: an emergency blanket that can double as a shelter, a fixed knife and some chemlights.

Overall I can cover many things on an emergency and remain light and mobile.

What do you really need on an urban get home bag?

Emerson Knives - 4 years in