Escape gear: how and why

Escape gear: how and why

By Ed Calderon

Tools I usually pick to carry for counter custody applications when moving in non permissive environments are usually dictated by the environment I'm going to be moving in. Gear needs to be endemic specific.

The bondage elements usually present in some places is easy to research and needs to be taken in to account as part of your pre movement planing. What types of restraints are used by criminals in the area? Are the government forces in the area you are moving in friendly to you or are the compromised in some way? Do the carry handcuffs? What brand usually? Is it worth concealing a key to a cuff that is not present in the area? Do your homework ....

Picture number 1 shows some of the tools I have on rotation.

Handcuffkeys, one an advanced handcuff key from Oscar Delta and a plastic key from Shomertec ( redundancy and non magnetic options, it's better to have one of each ), I modified the plastic key with an angle grind to make it easier to use at odd angles.

Handcuff split paw shims from SerePick, Gulag Shim from Oscar Delta. Again redundancy and septate placement on the body. These are always paired with a key, double locked cuffs will make these shim usable so it's good to have options.

SAD Tool by Oscar Delta witch is basically a multy tool that includes, padlock shims, handcuff pick and shim capable bits and easy decoder. This one is a constant with me.

Cutting implements in the form of ceramic razors ( hidden in a tag in this case, thungsten cutting bit and jewlers wire, razor blades, coin Knives and kevlar cordage. All these I try and infuse in to clothing or skin contact concelment options, like latex and new skin mixed media hides. Concelment and access this is the balance. Cutting implements are needed not just for cutting restraints, they can also make other things or modify things around you. It can also be used as a weapon. From rezor boxing to garrote methods with cord. Remember mindset and software can weaponize most things.

Bogota picks. These are just self explanatory.

Mini Chemlights are spread around. Amazingly useful when trying to manipulate things in the dark, mark places or people and signaling. I even used them in conjunction with a mouse trap to spray glow liquid on a permitir Intruder to make them in to glowing targets.

Pictures 2 is an image of some of the most successful concelment spots on the body that I have seen. Remember access and concealment, each one of you has to find this balance in what you carry and how you carry it, what work for me might not work for you.

Avoid concealing anything in clothing that could be lost in a full contact football match. Baseball caps, watches, shoes, jackets, Paracord bracelets etc are all things that usually get lost or taken away in most initial contact and purging portions of an irregular Custody event.

Last picture is of a small concelment tube. This is one of a few I have collected over the years. It came from a drug mule. A very successful one. Interesting about it is the size and materials used ( bamboo) all tried and true. Usually the individual who carried it would put in inside a condom to then conceal up an orifice ( butt ) end of the condom would be tied and used to pull it out when need.

Most of my material has a criminal origin. So some of its detailed elements have a history.

Stillness is death.

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